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General Motors Place 800 Griffiths way

the accessible seating is located along both corners of seating areas. the accessible gate is number 6 and it is accessible from stadium station via the concourse level and southeast false creek walkway that runs along the  indy track .This walkway will align you with the gate by being  on  correct side of   building accessible washrooms are located on corners. Souvenir store is accessible only from inside building from 300 level. Building is laid out like a circle with elevators at the far end of the circle and washrooms and seating on each corner.

B.C.   place stadium 777 pacific blvd


this stadium is accessible from the cambie street bridge via walkway and also from plaza of nations.The plaza of nations is the  quickest because of construction near cambie bridge The accessible seating is in back behind regular seating and there are washrooms on both ends. Elevators are accessible but have heavy doors to open

pacific coliseum

all accessible seating is on bottom level with  washrooms across  from seating area which  has two doors for entry and exit

Nat bailey stadium

Accessible seating  is on far side of building on steep ramp

parking is near the entrance

Capilano College sportsplex 2055 Purcell way

the building is accessible by two ramps on either end of building the accessible washroom is at far end of building